History and Doctrine of the Renewal Movement

renewalMy pal, Lyndon Unger, recently had the opportunity to present a series of lectures on the renewal/Pentecostal/charismatic movement. The entire conference, which had speakers addressing a wide range of subjects, is available on line to download,

2015 Last Days Bible Conference

Lyndon’s specific lectures were,

The History of the Charismatic Movement

The Heresies of the Charismatic Movement

A Biblical Understanding of Tongues, Healings, and Prophecies

A Biblical Understanding of Words, Faith and Prosperity

18 thoughts on “History and Doctrine of the Renewal Movement

  1. Oh boy. I listened to the first two lectures and realized that I’m actually MORE rusty than I thought when it comes to public speaking.


    And for those who hear it and catch it, teeth are made of calcium, not fluoride.

    Some days, I’m my own worst enemy.

  2. Great 1st session! I kept thinking about the parallel movement of the USA backward in morality as the church became less and less able to affect society and culture for God. Correlation does not always imply causation, but I couldn’t avoid seeing the parallels.

  3. Your over-education makes you seem unapproachable.

    Rustiness makes you more like-able. :)

    Just be glad the word is getting out. I sent this to my entire local church and encouraged them to listen.

  4. Good. I’m listening to the last part now.

    Still, I think his idea that Luke was with Jesus is totally wrong; I think Luke would have stated that in his gospel rather than saying what he was writing was a result of thorough research.

  5. Leaky Cessationist, huh? I’m interested in more development of that term…I’m only on lecture 2 still.

  6. Pingback: Lyndon Unger: The History of the Renewal Movement

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